Online marketing campaigns are an effective way of reaching out to customers that are new to your business. Developing relationships with these new customers is important to the growth of your business. Some marketing professionals may be wary of utilizing PPC advertising to drive users to your website. This type of marketing has been around for decades. When used properly, it can drive your business exponentially. Let’s take a moment to review this type of campaign strategy, understand how you can use the campaign, and track the success of advertising.
What is PPC?
With this type of campaign, your marketing department will identify specific products or services to promote. When prospective clients enter specific descriptions in their search engine, the results include advertisements. When the user clicks on an ad, the company is charged a fee, and the customer is directed to the company’s website.
How Can I Use This for My Business?
Most people think of using this type of campaign for physical products. This is a highly effective advertising method. You will reach a specific client that is actively searching for a specific item. For example, when a user searches for, “Energy Efficient Washing Machines,” the business knows they have a prospective customer most likely actively looking for the product. Taking the customer to your website encourages them to explore your product offering.
There is a surge in using this advertising method for services or business information. An IT provider may create an advertisement when people search, “How To Remove a Virus.” A small business owner performing their own technical support may consider investing in a network security company.
How do I Track Effectiveness?
When you purchase pay-per-click advertising, most companies provide you access to reports showing the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. Accurately tracking key performance indicators ensures that the campaign is successful. Deciding on which KPIs to monitor requires a well-defined marketing plan. Simply driving a prospective customer to your website may be your strategic goal. However, most businesses will want to see an increase in revenue as a result of the ads.
The conversion rate and cost per conversion are two pieces of critical information to examine. This tells you how many clicks become completed sales or lead generations, and from there, you calculate the average cost of each sale or lead.
Now is the time to investigate adding PPC advertising into your marketing strategy. Businesses have shown great success with small introductions of this service into their campaigns.